

Emission Control

Emission Control Devices for Decarbonisation:

Emissions from seagoing ships include air pollutants, greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances entailing risks for human health & environment. Worldwide NOx emissions from shipping (international & domestic) have been estimated at 25 million tons in 2007 and equivalent to about 30 percent of total anthropogenic emissions (MEPC 2009)

The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has been implementing regulations to address decarbonisation in the shipping industry under the MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships) framework. These regulations aim to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and promote the use of cleaner fuels and technologies in the maritime sector. IMO GHG Strategy – is to reduce carbon intensity of all ships by 40% by 2030, compared to 2008. These will be mandatory measures under MARPOL Annex VI. They will bring in:

Attained Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI)

(EEXI) is required to be calculated for ships of 400 gt and above, in accordance with the different values set for ship types and size categories. This indicates the energy efficiency of the ship compared to a baseline. Ships are required to meet a specific required Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI), which is based on a required reduction factor (expressed as a percentage relative to the EEDI baseline).

Annual operational carbon intensity indicator (CII) and CII rating.

In simple terms, the short-term measure are aimed at achieving the carbon intensity reduction aims of the Initial IMO GHG Strategy.They do this by requiring all ships to calculate their Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and to establish their annual operational carbon intensity indicator (CII) and CII rating.In other words, ships get a rating of their energy efficiency (A, B, C, D, E – where A is the best). A ship running on a low carbon fuel clearly gets a higher rating than one running on fossil fuel.

At 3 Lions, we are dedicated to the advancement of emission control technologies for decarbonisation. In an era of increasing environmental awareness, reducing carbon emissions has become a global imperative. This urgency is particularly relevant in industries heavily reliant on diesel generators and ship engines, which contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Our mission is to offer innovative and effective solutions that enable decarbonisation while ensuring the smooth operation of these vital systems.

We constantly strive to bring innovative solutions that address the challenges faced by the maritime industry. After extensive research and development, We understand the challenges faced by shipowners in adapting to ever-changing emission control regulations while maintaining operational efficiency and profitability. With our product, they can expect improved fuel efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, and extended engine lifespan, resulting in long-term cost savings for your company.

Solutions we offer

Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems (EGCS):

EGCS, commonly known as "scrubbers," are advanced emission control devices for ship engines. These systems remove harmful substances, such as SOX and PM, from exhaust gases, reducing their environmental impact. By adopting EGCS technology, ships can comply with international emissions regulations and achieve significant reductions in air and marine pollution.

Retrofit Emission Control Device for Diesel engines (RECD):

We are thrilled to announce our association with a groundbreaking technology that offers advanced emission control capabilities specifically designed to meet the evolving environmental regulations governing maritime operations. A Retrofit Emission Control Device for Diesel engines, that will significantly contribute to emission control for ships.

It employs cutting-edge emission control techniques that significantly reduce harmful pollutants emitted from Diesel Generators on ships by 50%, ensuring compliance with the strictest environmental standards. By integrating this solution into the ship's engine system, we can effectively minimize the emission of pollutants such as particulate matter, NOx, SOx, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons at source.Not only will this help our client meet regulatory requirements but also demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability.

Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Systems:

Similar to diesel generators, SCR systems can be integrated into ship engines to address NOX emissions. By converting NOX into harmless nitrogen and water vapor, SCR systems help ships achieve compliance with emission standards while minimising their environmental footprint.


We are committed to providing cutting-edge emission control solutions that enable decarbonisation without compromising operational efficiency. We understand the unique challenges faced by industries relying on diesel generators and ship engines, and our team of experts works tirelessly to develop and implement innovative technologies that ensure a sustainable future.There are many things a ship can do to improve its rating through various measures, such as hull cleaning to reduce drag; speed optimisation; installation of low energy light bulbs; installation of solar/wind auxiliary power for accommodation services; etc.

Contact us today to learn more about our emission control devices for decarbonisation in the diesel generator and maritime sectors. Together, let us embark on a greener and cleaner future, reducing emissions and preserving our planet for generations to come.